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3 Valuable Life Lessons IBD Has Taught Me (They Might Surprise You)

I’ve been living with ulcerative colitis for four years at the time I’m writing this. These years have been a roller coaster, packed with joy, pain, hope, fear, happiness, and everything in between. So naturally, I’d like to share the top three life lessons that living with inflammatory bowel disease has taught me.

1. To Slow Down

And I don’t just mean the fatigue that encourages me to focus on self-care; though that is definitely something I’m grateful that I’ve learned.

Ulcerative colitis has also taught me to slow down and enjoy where the present—on both the small scale and large scale.

Learning to appreciate the little things

On the small scale, it’s taught me to absorb the simple things in life like the bite of winter air on your skin, the hum of your cat purring next to you, and that first scalding sip of coffee in the morning.

Learning to enjoy each season of my life

On the large scale, my colon has taught me to enjoy the current life season I’m in.

I used to constantly be “go-go-go”, always looking forward to the next thing: Christmas break, graduating college, getting engaged, getting married…

And all these things are good! But if constantly thinking of the future distracts you from enjoying the now, then it might be time to change your perspective.

I knew it was time for a mindset shift, and surprisingly, ulcerative colitis helped me do that because I didn’t know when another flare might start.

This helped me realize that I needed to start appreciating the little moments before they’re gone, and to be grateful for the seasons I was in before they became the past. 

2. To Not Care What Others Think

For most of my life, I was extremely shy and self-conscious. Thankfully, those days are (mostly!) behind me; however, ulcerative colitis has built upon that growth and made me even more self-assured and confident.

How so?

The physical and emotional pain I’ve been through has taught me that every second of life is worth rejoicing in.

Since my diagnosis, I’ve danced in the middle of the dance floor (completely sober) at my friend’s wedding looking like a dork…and I’m okay with that! I had a blast.

I’ve belted out my favorite song lyrics in the car. I’m okay if someone thinks I look silly. I’m alive, and I think that’s worth celebrating.

It’s such a burden lifted, choosing not to care what others think : ) 

3. To Pursue Writing

I’ve loved writing since I was a kid. But living with ulcerative colitis has increased my passion for writing. Journaling about living with chronic illness has been incredibly therapeutic, healing parts of me that I didn’t know needed attention.

And, of course, sharing my stories in this blog has been such a rich and fulfilling experience. If I’ve helped at least one person, I’ve hit my goal.

Strange how sometimes the brightest things are born in the darkness.

What Has Your IBD Taught You?

Has living with ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s taught you something valuable? Has your chronic illness inspired or impacted your life in some amazing way? Tell us about it in the comments! I’d love to hear your story.

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