In this retrospective study, the Paediatric PSC Consortium compared the health of patients with PSC and IBD who had taken oral vancomycin (OV) to PSC-IBD patients who had not taken OV. Out of 113 patients with PSC-IBD, 70 were treated with OV, and they had a better chance of their IBD going into remission compared […]
The 6 C’s of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis: A Visual Snapshot
This incredible graphic discusses the six Cs of PSC: 1. Covert: Lists PSC’s often invisible symptoms 2. Cholangitis: Discusses genetics, the gut microbiota, and immune response 3. Cirrhosis: Shows photos of the progression of cirrhosis 4. Colitis: Discusses the relationship between PSC and IBD 5. Cancer: Talks cancer risk and surveillance 6. Cure: Shares various […]
Jenna Ziegler on the “About IBD Podcast” Episode 74: On Living with PSC
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