This case report follows a PSC patient who had severe ulcerative colitis after a liver transplant who did not respond to Entyvio or Remicade. This 51-year old man ended up finding remission with oral vancomycin. The authors’ final sentence in this report states that in cases of severe ulcerative colitis, surgery can be curative—but surgery […]
Oral Vancomycin Induced and Maintained Clinical and Endoscopic Remission in Ulcerative Colitis and Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Post-liver Transplantation
This case study followed a 34-year-old man with PSC and ulcerative colitis who did not respond to multiple advanced therapies, and who had a liver transplant. Before his liver transplant, he tried mesalamine and Remicade without achieving remission. After his liver transplant, his UC flared and he tried Remicade, Entyvio, Humira, Xeljanz, and Stelara. However, […]