This retrospective observational study looked at 44 children with atypical ulcerative colitis (aUC) in Australia who received oral vancomycin (OV) therapy between 2014 – 2023. This study includes 29 children with both PSC and aUC and 15 children with aUC without PSC. Most of the children who received OV saw reduced UC activity and fecal […]
Oral vancomycin is associated with improved inflammatory bowel disease clinical outcomes in primary sclerosing cholangitis-associated inflammatory bowel disease (PSC-IBD): A matched analysis from the Paediatric PSC Consortium
In this retrospective study, the Paediatric PSC Consortium compared the health of patients with PSC and IBD who had taken oral vancomycin (OV) to PSC-IBD patients who had not taken OV. Out of 113 patients with PSC-IBD, 70 were treated with OV, and they had a better chance of their IBD going into remission compared […]
Dr. Ken Cox Presentation with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital: Treatment of Pediatric PSC with Oral Vancomycin
In this presentation, Dr. Ken Cox—the doctor who discovered the use of oral vancomycin for PSC—shares an enlightening presentation on this matter. Topics included are: • Dr. Cox’s experience treating children with PSC with oral vancomycin • Possible mechanisms in which oral vancomycin treats PSC • Long-term treatment of oral vancomycin • Effect of oral […]
Microbiome Responses to Vancomycin Treatment in a Child With Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis and Ulcerative Colitis
This case report shares the positive changes in the microbiome after a nine-year-old by took vancomycin for 90 days. Thanks to vancomycin, his ulcerative colitis symptoms resolved, his fecal calprotectin normalized, and his GGT (a liver function test that helps monitor PSC) declined and returned to normal levels!
Oral Vancomycin Therapy in a Child with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis and Severe Ulcerative Colitis
This case study reports on a 15 year old girl with PSC and ulcerative colitis. After taking oral vancomycin, the girl achieved normalization of her liver numbers and bile ducts, resolution of UC symptoms, and colonic mucosal healing. The investigators believe the vancomycin may be acting both as an antibiotic (by altering the intestinal microbiome) […]
Open-Label Prospective Therapeutic Clinical Trials: Oral Vancomycin in Children and Adults with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
This research paper documents the impacts of oral vancomycin on the GGT, ALP, and ALT of 59 PSC patients. If patients weighed less than 30 kg, they took 50 mg vancomycin per kg each day. If patients weighed more than 30 kg, they took 500 mg vancomycin 3x each day. 96% experienced reduction of GGT, […]