This retrospective observational study looked at 44 children with atypical ulcerative colitis (aUC) in Australia who received oral vancomycin (OV) therapy between 2014 – 2023. This study includes 29 children with both PSC and aUC and 15 children with aUC without PSC. Most of the children who received OV saw reduced UC activity and fecal […]
Oral Vancomycin Is Associated With Less IBD Therapy Intensification in PSC-IBD
This retrospective study looked at 22 adult patients who had confirmed PSC and IBD and who had been on oral vancomycin for a period of time. 15 of the 22 patients (68.2%) had less therapy intensification on oral vancomycin therapy compared to off oral vancomycin therapy. There were also less steroid prescriptions for those taking […]
An ‘Adaptive Treatment Strategy’ for Oral Vancomycin in Patients with the Orphan Disease Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
This article discusses the benefits of therapeutic decision-making in the context of orphan diseases, focusing on PSC as an example. It also proposes an adaptive treatment strategy to trial oral vancomycin therapy in PSC patients with or without ulcerative colitis. This article brings hope to the PSC community by proposing possible alternate avenues that patients […]
Therapeutic Effect of Vancomycin in UC Patients Associated With PSC
This retrospective chart review looked at six PSC patients who had active ulcerative colitis and who had failed standard treatments including mesalamine, immunomodulators, and biologics. Within six weeks of starting oral vancomycin, all six patients found clinical remission and maintained remission for two years of follow-up. They also had improved liver numbers. Read the full […]
Role of Oral Vancomycin in Inducing Remission for Biologic Experienced Ulcerative Colitis With Concomitant Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis and Liver Transplantation
This case report follows a PSC patient who had severe ulcerative colitis after a liver transplant who did not respond to Entyvio or Remicade. This 51-year old man ended up finding remission with oral vancomycin. The authors’ final sentence in this report states that in cases of severe ulcerative colitis, surgery can be curative—but surgery […]
Vancomycin and Ustekinumab Combination Therapy in Acute Ulcerative Colitis
This is an interesting case report that shows that the combination therapy of oral vancomycin and ustekinumab (Stelara) put a 25-year old PSC-UC patient into remission with her ulcerative colitis. Ultimately, the authors conclude that, in patients with ulcerative colitis, oral vancomycin may change the microbiome in a way that improves dysbiosis and reduces inflammation […]