Who else is super into the Enneagram Personality Test!? I’ve been really diving into it lately and made some interesting comparisons between my personality type and the way I advocate for myself as someone with chronic illness. Before I dive in, I’d love to know what Enneagram Type you are! Let me know in the […]
3 Types of Chronic Illness Acceptance
This Crohn’s & Colitis Awareness Week, I want to discuss the topic of chronic illness acceptance. Personally, I believe accepting your illness isn’t something you do just once, but over and over again. And from personal experience, I think there are different types of acceptance, too. Let’s dive in! Three Types of Acceptance Over the […]
How Chronic Illness Impacts My Fatigue, Productivity, and Purpose (Plus 3 Tips to Help You Cope)
If you live with a chronic illness, I’m willing to bet you’ve struggled with fatigue and productivity. You may have even wondered or feared that your illness impacts your purpose. In this blog post, I tackle these big questions and share how these aspects of my life have been affected by my invisible illnesses. Living […]
My PSC and Vancomycin Advocacy Plans and How You Can Get Involved
It took me ten months to find a doctor who would prescribe me vancomycin and one year to finally find a hepatologist who was willing to help me pursue an official PSC diagnosis via liver biopsy. This is a long time, and I know many others have waited much longer. It doesn’t have to be […]
My Liver Biopsy Experience and Results
The nurse practitioner who ordered the FibroScan put me in touch with a hepatologist at a hospital in Georgia. I’m so thankful for my California gastroenterologist, Dr. Davies, who had several phone calls with this nurse practitioner and the referred hepatologist to help explain my unique situation. The Hepatologist Refused to Perform a Liver Biopsy […]
My FibroScan Experience and Test Results
In November 2019, I had my first FibroScan. This noninvasive test is similar to an ultrasound because the technician passes a probe over your liver, pressing in between your ribs. How Does a FibroScan Work? At the end of the wand is a button that sends a pulse through your liver to check the elasticity […]